Sunday, August 20, 2006

Seth B. Wood

There was magical the moment I saw Seth--again after a long time apart. Some bad feelings, misunderstanding, and hurt has been between us in the past. When I saw him that all seemed to disappear. I took a chance, hugged him, and said a quick prayer of forgiveness and humility. In that brief hug I felt all things unkind between us shluf off onto the ground. I stepped out of the pain and past and from that moment on I have never looked back. I am so glad that Seth--maybe unknowingly--maybe on purpose, did the same thing. That day was the beginning of a new amazing friendship.

Seth is truly one great man. There are so many things to love about him. His quick wit, his tender heart, his willingness to put everyone to ease, his listening ear, his kindness, and his desire to bring out the best in others.

Seth has this way of always making me feel like a princess without condescending. He inspires beauty in me to come out that I never even knew existed. He seems to understand hearts more than most--though he will rarely say.

Seth is so comfortable to be around, I am amazed at this. He is manly. He's a great worker, an amazing friend, he makes me laugh all the time, he is fun, and he is kind. Seth is multidimensional: meaning he has many sides. He can be serious and contribute to a real conversation and he can also take you on a ride out to a park in the wee hours of the morning, jump the fence (illegally) and sit beside me to watch the docked sailboats rock in the water.

Seth is hot...or handsome...or whatever you want to call it. He has a demeaner that is comanding, yet gentle. He is aware of his surrounds and has of the things I love most about him

So, to my Sethy know that you are part of the reason I love Boston so much!